Cash Challan : No Additional Charge (Fee can be deposit in Cash only at School)
Net Banking : Convenience Charge** : 18 Rupees + GST as applicable
Credit Cards : Convenience Charge** : 1.2% + GST as applicable
Debit Cards : Convenience Charge** : 1.2% + GST as applicable
** Note: Convenience Charges can be changed as per the norms.
Technical issue: In case of any technical issue due to which the payment gets deducted from the payer’s account and does not show in our official ERP but the payment gateway service clearly mentions the confirmed settlement thereafter the School’s account receives the payment. We manually submit the payment in our ERP. It should take 7-10 working days for the payment to be credited in School’s account.
Multiple Payments Case: If double payment happens and the payment gateway service clearly mentions it, the school will refund the payment after the School’s account receives payment. Which should take 7-10 working days for the back payment or we can adjust the amount to the next month fee as per Payers request.
Other Payments Case: In all other cases where there is a discrepancy in the fee paid, the parent has to directly contact the School and the School’s decision would be final.
Contact Address::
Accounts Department
New Rainbow Public School
Sec-12, P-Block, Pratap Vihar, Vijay Nagar, Ghaziabad -201009 (U.P.)
Ph: 0120-2746354, Mob. No: 9560173519,
Website:; E-Mail:
You may contact us during office hours: Timings: 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Relationship between website and legal name :
New Rainbow Public School is the School Name.
Schoolpad is an ERP provider for the above school and PayTm is the payment gateway provider for online fee payment.