Welcome to New Rainbow Public School    0120-4846324     nrpschool@gmail.com  


  • Registration form can be obtained by paying registration charges from the School Reception on all working days between 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The School office will also provide Brochure and Newsletter of the School.
  • Registration Forms has to be filled in & submitted to the School Office before the end of the Registration period.
  • Dates for test/interview/interaction will be given at the time of registration. No test will be conducted for admission in Nursery/LKG class. The school authorities reserve the right to change the date and time of the interview.
  • Age of admission for Nursery class should be 3+ yrs on 31 st March of the academic session in which admission is being sought.
  • Registration does not guarantee an admission.

Documents required at the time of admission-
  • Copy of original Birth Certificate issued by Municipal Corporation for Class Nursery.
  • Transfer Certificate and Report Card of Last passed examination from classes I onward.
  • 2 Photographs of the Students and 1 each of both Father/Mother/Legal Guardian.