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Yoga Unites, Inspires and Transforms
21st June,2023

Yoga Unites, Inspires and Transforms

New Rainbow Public School celebrated the auspicious occasion of the International Day of Yoga on 21st Jun 2023 with great enthusiasm and reverence, embracing the theme of "Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam." The school premises were adorned with a vibrant atmosphere as parents and students eagerly participated in this momentous event, joining the nationwide celebrations of the 9th International Yoga Day.

The participants and parents were enlightened about the countless benefits that yoga bestows upon its practitioners. The serene ambiance exuded a profound sense of peace, evident from the radiant smiles adorning the faces of all those in attendance.

Under the guidance of the esteemed Physical Education Department, a captivating yoga session was conducted, which encompassed graceful asanas (postures) and the profound art of pranayama (breath control). This invigorating experience allowed everyone to delve into a harmonious union of their mind, body, and soul. As yoga unfolded its timeless wisdom, it became apparent that it is not merely an exercise regimen, but a gateway to discovering the interconnectedness between oneself, the world, and nature.

The International Day of Yoga celebration at school served as a poignant reminder of the profound wisdom and timeless serenity that yoga imparts. It was a delightful occasion where the school community came together, rejoicing in the transformative power of yoga and its potential to create a more harmonious and peaceful world.